The Famous DAR Murder Mystery

The Ladies of the Old Orchard Fort Chapter, NSDAR decide they want to honor a Revolutionary War patriot with a gravemarker. When they get to the Brown Spring Cemetary, they discover a very 20th Century corpse, murdered and above ground.

The local sheriff dismisses this body as an unfortunate transient not worthy of further investigation. How unegalitarian! How unpatriot! Helen Delaporte, the chapter's Regent, decides that the DAR must investigate.

From genealogy to sleuthing to cake baking, the ladies take their turn in the mystery and write up their experiences. Along the way they turn up some shady characters and some shady activities. Even 86-year-old Harriet Bushrow goes undercover at a nightclub to get evidence. In the end it is no surprise that she figures everything out: after all her Revolutionary War ancestors were generals.

"This irresistible first mystery purports to be a 'Collaborative Report' written by members of the Old Orchard Fort Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution....Witty, literate, and purely delightful." --Publishers Weekly (starred review)

"First time Landrum advances his plot with wit, grace and warmth as several DAR ladies relate their roles in solving a murder...Solid, wholesome, and lively."--Library Journal

"This mystery provides a delicious romp through American history, as well as a stunning debut for this talented author."--Jackson,MS Clarion-Ledger

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Last Updated May 5, 2002